08 Oct American Auto Appraisal
American Auto Appraisal is an appraisal company that specializes in the provision of vehicles (Used or New) appraisal for clients. They do there business with a careful and professional inspection of the automobile they purchase. The website is developed with the end-user in mind, it has all the first-hand information a client needs carefully integrated on the homepage. Contact details are boldly implemented on the home page. We have integrated sliding Customer testimonial which indicates trust to a first time user. Clients can also signup for market updates with just one click. Easy Scrollable tabs which detail all information about the company without scrolling too long. Also we have dedicated page for more information on whats on the homepage
Important features
- Easy and Information tab on landing page
- Market Update Signup
- Comprehensive and strategic contact information placement
- Catchy landing page
- Interactive Sliding Customer Testimonial